Martin G. Georgiev
Click the round red button with a play symbol on it (play button) in the SoundCloud player to play/pause audio track. Click on the waveform to navigate within the track. For more information on the sound samples click the cloud icon.
On mobile devices you may need to zoom in to be able to press the play button or to navigate across the waveform.
If the SoundCloud player does not load at all - MP3 files are provided as a contingency for some of the excerpts and examples. Where available these are accessible from the MP3 icons. Click on the MP3 icon to load and play the MP3 file - opens in new window, therefore pop-ups should be allowed from the settings of your antivirus/firewall, and pop-up blocker and similar settings disabled. By right-clicking on the MP3 icon further options may be available, such as download/save the MP3 file, copy file web address etc., depending on your operating system.
Close this tab/window to return to chapter text, or click here for the list of Figures and Examples. (opens in a new window).