m u s i c   b y  
              M A R T I N   G E O R G I E V
                       l i b r e t t o   by   
              M A R I K E   V A N   A E R D E

    T H E  O P E R A    |    T H E   C R E A T O R S    |    T H E   P R E M I E R E            





This opera enjoys the patronage of: 
Lady Solti, Sir Charles Mackerras and Andrew Ritchie CBE


In Memoriam: Sir Charles Mackerras

With great admiration for his music and truly grateful for his support, we are saddened by the news of Sir Charles’ passing. We will remember his legacy with honour. In music, there is never silence.

Martin Georgiev & Marike van Aerde


The Mirror is a one act opera composed by acclaimed young Bulgarian
composer Martin Georgiev, with an original libretto
by Dutch author
Marike van Aerde.

The opera explores a triangle of Life, Death and Humanity, and tells as many
stories as there are people in its audience. It reflects the source of human
fear by means of its consequences; our doubts and inabilities, but also our reason
and our determination. Although at places dark and threatening in tone,
the piece ultimately presents itself as a reconfirmation of human identity.

Contact:  martin@martingeorgiev.net  
To return to Martin Georgiev's main site, click here.  

Webdesign and original artwork
© Marike van Aerde